A town in America whose entire population resides in one building

There are thousands of towns around the world, but none will be as unique as Whittier, Alaska.

One thing makes this town unique from other towns and that is that all the population lives together in one building.

Yes, indeed, 85% of the residents of this town of about 300 people live in a 14-story building.

The same building also houses the post office, police station, grocery stores, and a church in the basement.

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Access to the town is also quite difficult, usually by boat or through a tunnel.

This residential building was built in 1974 and is basically a Cold War era military barracks, but the question is why do the residents live in the same building?

97% of the town’s land is owned by the Alaska Railroad, so no houses can be built there.

According to the residents, this building was constructed so that residents do not have to step out and have everything under one roof.

If someone comes to this town from outside, he also has to turn to this building to stay.

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