Prime Minister will inaugurate 2 important projects tomorrow

In Islamabad, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is scheduled to inaugurate two projects of significant economic, defense, and strategic importance tomorrow.

Prime Minister

One of the projects is the National Aerospace Science and Technology Park, which is under the management of the Pakistan Air Force. The institute aims to foster design, research, development, and innovation in various sectors, including aviation, space, IT, and cyber.

This technology park is expected to boost multiple areas, including the industrial sector, educational institutions, government initiatives, and collaborative efforts in fields like computing, big data, artificial intelligence, fintech, radar, wireless communication, and simulators.

As per the sources, the National Aerospace Science and Technology Park encompasses several vital institutions, such as aerospace technology, emerging systems, technology institutes, technology park, cyber security, aviation academy, and international institutes. The presence of these institutions will allow the establishment of high-quality training centers.

Additionally, the Prime Minister is set to inaugurate a repair and maintenance center for Turkish-made drones utilized by Pakistan. This center will ensure that Turkish-made drones like Akanji, TB2, and other combat and surveillance drones remain operational at all times.

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