How much sugar should be consumed throughout the day?

Sugar plays a significant role in our daily lives, but excessive consumption of it in our diets can lead to various health issues. Health experts caution against excessive sugar intake and often refer to it as “white poison.”


Dr. Mohammad Shahid, in a segment on the khabristan News program Awaar Saveera, provided valuable advice to viewers about the recommended daily sugar intake for an average person. He highlighted both the benefits and harms of sugar consumption.

According to Dr. Shahid, individuals who consume excessive amounts of sugar are at a higher risk of developing serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and liver disease. However, he emphasized that by reducing sugar consumption, one can significantly lower the risk of these ailments and improve overall health.

According to his advice, our body does require a certain amount of sugar daily to provide us with energy. This necessary sugar can be obtained from natural sources such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and grains.

However, it’s essential to be mindful of our sugar intake. He recommends consuming around 6 to a maximum of 9 teaspoons of sugar per day and not exceeding that limit.

In particular, he strongly advises against consuming soft drinks and store-bought juices, as they can be harmful to our health. He warns that the information provided on these products may not accurately reflect their actual sugar content. Instead, he suggests making homemade juices to ensure healthier and safer options.

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