Generally, at some point in their lives, almost everyone experiences skin conditions. However, some may not consider them as common, as new research suggests that these common conditions could be a potential cause of various serious illnesses.
According to international media, health experts have conducted new research on skin diseases, which included data from over 1 million individuals. This research was published in a medical journal, and it involved analyzing data from more than 400,000 children and over 600,000 adults who had experienced skin conditions (such as severe skin rashes) and sought treatment at different times between 1994 and 2015.
The results of this research have revealed that individuals affected by the mentioned skin condition have an increased likelihood of developing diseases related to the intestines, stomach, and digestive system, both in children and adults. According to the study, the chances of children developing intestinal and stomach-related diseases, among others, increased by 44%, while in adults, this rate was up to 34%.
For this research, experts collected medical records of all the individuals from January 2020 to June 2023 and then categorized the diseases prevalent among them.
According to experts, individuals with skin diseases are more likely to experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, and issues with the intestines and stomach. Additionally, adults with these conditions are more likely to complain of ailments like migraines, hypertension, and hemorrhoids, along with an increased likelihood of suffering from constipation and abdominal pain.
It should be noted that previous research has also established a connection between skin diseases and several serious conditions, including heart diseases and joint pain.
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