Electricity Tariff Hike Approved for K-Electric Consumers

Electricity tariff, K-Electric, ECC

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has approved the Uniform Quarterly Tariff Adjustments for K-Electric consumers, resulting in a hike of Rs1.72 per unit

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has made the decision to implement tariff rationalization guidelines, which were already issued to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), for the consumption period of July, August, and September 2023. These adjustments will be recovered from K-Electric consumers in December 2023, January 2024, and February 2024, respectively.

Consequently, K-Electric consumers will experience a tariff hike of Rs1.72 per unit.

Sources have indicated that the quarterly adjustments will result in an increase of Rs1.25 per unit from January to March 2023 and Rs0.47 per unit from October to December 2023.

This decision has been taken to maintain uniform electricity tariffs across the country.

Other Decisions

The ECC has also approved an extension in the government’s guarantee ceiling of Rs100 billion for Pakistan State Oil (PSO) until the end of next month.

The disbursement of Rs20 billion credited to the Federal Government Account by the Finance Department Government of Punjab for further disbursement to the Green Corporative Initiative has been approved as well.

It is worth mentioning that the outstanding dues of Pakistan State Oil (PSO) from various governments and private sectors now amount to over Rs700 billion.

In addition, the committee has authorized Rs5 billion for the Digital Information Infrastructure project and Rs47.45 million for the Interior Ministry. Furthermore, following deliberation on a summary submitted by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, the forum has decided to revise the lighthouse dues from seven rupees to Rs20 per NRT.

In response to a summary from the Ministry of Poverty Alleviation, the forum has requested the Benazir Income Support (BISP) to assess the cases of 8,000 registered daily wage workers employed at the Chaman border to determine if they are already in the system and provide support to eligible individuals from the allocated budget in consultation with the Government of Balochistan.

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has approved a electricity tariff hike of Rs1.72 per unit for K-Electric consumers. The tariff adjustment will be applicable to consumption from July, August, and September 2023, to be recovered in December 2023, January 2024, and February 2024. The decision aims to maintain uniform electricity tariffs across the country. In addition, the ECC approved various other decisions including an extension of the government’s guarantee ceiling for Pakistan State Oil (PSO) and the disbursement of funds for the Green Corporative Initiative.

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