If Imran Khan is arrested, we will call for protests across the country, Fawad Chaudhry.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Fawad Chaudhry has said that if Imran Khan is arrested, he will call for nationwide protests.

According to Sources, after the Islamabad police team reached Zaman Park Lahore and received the notice, Fawad Chaudhry, the central leader of PTI, while talking to the media, said that the arrest of Imran Khan was only To spoil for peace and order. Government wants to provoke PTI workers. PTI workers should be ready for an attempt to arrest Imran Khan. If they go beyond the limit, they will call for protest in the whole of Pakistan.

The PTI leader said that so far there are 74 cases against Imran Khan, out of which 30 cases are criminal. Fascist system is currently established in Pakistan. Attempts are being made to sink the economy, politics and constitution in the country. They want to create a problem of law and order by doing such actions. They want riots so that the decision of the Supreme Court cannot be implemented and the elections are postponed.

He said that Imran Khan is following all legal processes and appearing in every court. Why don’t the courts summon the fugitive who fled to London on a 50 rupee stamp?

Fawad Chaudhry also said that the federal and Punjab governments are two sides of the same coin. They want Imran Khan to go to court so that they can be assassinated because they know that if Imran Khan comes to power, not only their loot will be lost but also they will be held to account.

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